Mr. Pham Thu Trieu - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (BEPHARCO) is a face representing the 7x generation with maturity in experience and boldness of youth. profits to keep pace with the new growth of the pharmaceutical industry.

Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, formerly the apothecary department of Ben Tre's People's Committee, was established in 1963. In 1983. Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company was established on the basis of merging two enterprises, namely: Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Company and Ben Tre Provincial Pharmaceutical Factory, later renamed to Ben Tre Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies Company - Bepharco. Broadly, with businesses in the industry, Bephaco's development history is not inferior. At the same time, up to now, the Company has also been present throughout the country.
As a generation of entrepreneurs following in the footsteps of their seniors, Mr. Pham Thu Trieu's desire is to bring Bepharco to a new level of development to be able to compete with large enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry. Mr. Trieu said that he is lucky to work and accompany a team of professional and experienced personnel, sticking with and accompanying the Company for a long time. Currently, this same workforce is evenly distributed from the head office to affiliated branches, supporting Bepharco in business development and market expansion.
In the integration trend, many large and small corporations and enterprises from Europe, America, Asia... will participate in the Vietnamese pharmaceutical market, creating opportunities for domestic enterprises to participate more deeply in the chain. regional and global values. This is an opportunity for domestic pharmaceutical enterprises to expand business cooperation, but also creates great competitive pressure. With Bepharco. Mr. Trieu is always concerned about bringing a brand of the remote western province closer to the people in the country, then expanding to the international area. Especially in the current context, when the CPTPP agreement has come into effect, it will partly promote domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, including Bepharco, to have more opportunities to invest with foreign enterprises.
Bepharco itself also considers that in order to participate in the big playground, there is no other way but to "raise" itself in technology, production techniques, product quality and most importantly, services.
Mr. Trieu added that at present, Bepharco has almost converged enough favorable factors to keep up with the growth of the industry and has the opportunity to develop further in the value chain in both breadth and depth. The company is continuing to increase investment in the development of products in the system, including product groups from traditional medicines to pharmaceutical chemicals and vaccines. biology products. Specifically. Orientation The parent company will focus on research and development of new products and distribution. Subsidiaries focus on production to maintain the traditional relationships with foreign partners, strengthen the search for business cooperation opportunities with new investors.
Besides that, Bepharco pays special attention to the training of personnel specializing in each field, especially the product development stage. strengthen the development of a multi-channel distribution system.
“The achievement of the above-mentioned goals will help Bepharco to have good quality products that are safe, effective, and distributed to consumers. Since our establishment until today, we have always focused on providing quality products. Safety and effectiveness are important issues for the existence of the Company”. Mr. Trieu shared.
Although it is a distributor of products of a number of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, few people know that. Bepharco currently holds ownership of 53.52% of the charter capital of Yen Bai Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (YPharco) - the "father" of Cam Xuyen Huong drug brand. was researched and put into production by Ypharco from 1975 in the form of tablets, in 2004 changed to hard capsule dosage form and then added syrup for children, bath powder for prevention and treatment of colds and flu, colds and flu. With more than 40 years of presence in the market, the success of Cam Xuyen Huong Yen Bai until now has contributed to improving the economic efficiency of the parent company, Bepharco.
Besides Ypharco, Bepharco currently holds 51% ownership in Nha Trang Vaccine and Biological Products Joint Stock Company (Biopharco) with two main product lines exclusively distributed by Bepharco, Enterogolds and EnteroGran.
Mr. Trieu shared that Bepharco's policy is to continue to increase the ownership rate in subsidiaries, including Ypharco. The main purpose of this is to share the benefits of the Parent Company with all shareholders of the subsidiary. At the same time, Bepharco's business criteria are implemented synchronously throughout the system with the motto of producing and distributing quality, safe and effective products.
In addition, the Company will focus on promoting the production of traditional medicines, a priority and advantageous field in Vietnam today, ensuring uniformity and transparency.
Source: Newspaper of Entrepreneurial Life No. 22 - Hoang Anh
April 8, 2019