Ben Tre Pharmaceutical sets a profit target in 2021 to increase 46% to VND 19.4 billion. The dividend is expected to increase from 7% to 20% in 2021.
Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - Bepharco (HSX: DBT) has just launched a business plan for 2021 with a target of increasing consolidated revenue by 9% to more than VND 918 billion. Profit after tax is expected to increase by 46% to 19.4 billion dong. The dividend is expected to increase from 7% to 20% in 2021.
In 2020, the company only has a profit after tax of 13.3 billion VND, which is a decrease of 48% compared to 2019 (19.4 billion VND). Based on that result, the company wants to pay a cash dividend of 7% and has advanced this dividend in mid-February. The initial 2020 dividend plan is 10%.
These targets will be presented by the Board of Directors at the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to take place on April 23 in Ben Tre. Some other issues that will be discussed in the meeting are profit distribution, changes in personnel and remuneration of the Board of Directors, stock issuance plan.
Currently, Ben Tre Pharmaceutical has a charter capital of VND 142 billion, the stock has a market price of VND 12,300/share, corresponding to a market capitalization of VND 174 billion.