Community Program: Medical Examinations, Health Consultations, and Medication Distribution for 300 Labor Workers

In response to the Workers' Month initiative led by the Labor Federation and Department of Health of Ben Tre Province, Bepharco coordinated a campaign offering medical examinations, health consultations, and free medication to 300 labor workers in Ben Tre Province.

Campaign Overview
The program aims to enhance workers' awareness of hygiene and disease prevention, while also imparting knowledge on health protection.

Hơn 300 công nhân lao động tại tỉnh Bến Tre được khám bệnh, tư vấn sức khỏe và phát thuốc miễn phí

The team of doctors and medical professionals provided thorough examinations and consultations, helping many individuals detect abnormal signs for effective prevention and treatment measures.

Liên Đoàn Lao động - Sở Y tế tỉnh Bến Tre và Bepharco phối hợp phát thuốc miễn phí

A Note of Gratitude from Bepharco
Bepharco sincerely thanks the invaluable support from the leadership, staff of the Department of Health, the medical examination and treatment team from the Department of Health, and the Labor Federation of Ben Tre Province.

Trao tặng quà đến các thành viên tham gia

We are greatly honored to partner in this campaign, contributing to the community's development and aligning with Bepharco's vision for societal health.
We also extend our sincere gratitude to Dong Khoi Newspaper and Ben Tre Radio and Television Station for their support in spreading these commendable values to the public.