Stressful work, stressful life, lack of living regime, proper diet are the main causes of increased gastric-duodenal pain. Even according to statistics from the Association of Gastroenterology, Vietnam is forecasted to have up to 70% of the population at risk of stomach-related diseases.
Peptic ulcers from eating the wrong way
According to gastroenterologists, office workers are the ones with the most "arbitrary" diets, when eating too little; at overeating; When eating too fast, especially take advantage of eating on lunch breaks, eating late or skipping meals, especially breakfast. Chronic stomach conditions can be a precursor to a more serious condition, such as stomach cancer.
Currently, the proportion of young people suffering from stomach pain is increasing rapidly. At the Gastroenterology Clinic of Hoan My Saigon Hospital, an average of about 120 visits per day for gastrointestinal diseases, of which, stomach diseases account for nearly 50% of outpatients, more than 2/5 of which are young patients under 35 years old.
Most young patients often complain to gastroenterologists because of symptoms such as pain on the navel, indigestion, flatulence, loss of appetite, heartburn ... and the vast majority of people now due to improper eating, living, and work.

The secrets to help a healthy stomach, improve stomach ulcers
Stomach troubles are a warning of an unscientific diet that needs to be adjusted, especially in the office world. The problem of the digestive system must definitely be solved by foods, foods and drinks loaded into the body every day. The best way when there are signs of stomach disease is to see a Gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Chronic stomach ulcers as well as stomach cancer detected early will help to treat the disease quickly, patients recover very quickly and effectively.
Besides, adjusting the diet not only helps prevent stomach diseases such as ulcers, but when there are diseases, a good diet can help the treatment more effectively. Here are pocket tips from nutritionists for a healthy stomach, improving the quality of life.
- Good nutrition will help heal ulcers: Eat enough food groups to balance the diet, limit the intake of processed foods, greasy foods that cause indigestion, eat a variety of vegetables and fruits.
- Prioritize foods with a lot of fiber such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, especially soluble fiber found in oats, legumes, seeds, some vegetables such as oranges, apples, carrots ...
- Foods rich in vitamin A can also help heal ulcers by having the ability to increase mucus formation inside the digestive tract to help protect the stomach lining: meat, fish, liver, milk, carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, dark green vegetables.
- Limit or avoid foods that increase stomach acid or irritate ulcers or make ulcers worse. These foods include: alcoholic beverages, caffeine in coffee or soft drinks, spices such as pepper, chili ...
- Eating regularly and at the right meals, not skipping meals or pushing meals will put the stomach under great pressure. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, do not eat too quickly or too full, do not lie down immediately after eating.
- Maintain regular exercise, do not sit for too long, especially with office workers.
- Stress is the highest cause of stomach disease today, so it is necessary to establish a moderate, healthy living time, limit stress so that the stomach is not irritated to form ulcers or aggravate the condition.
In addition to examining and using medications prescribed by doctors, patients can learn more about drugs to treat gastroduodenal disease. Proven effective by thousands of customers who have used it, Gasmagel - Thidamagel is considered one of the solutions to help patients get rid of worries about persistent pain and unpleasant symptoms.
Source: Health & Life Newspaper