Doctor Ha Hai Nam, K Hospital (Hanoi), said stomach pain is a condition of injury and inflammation inside the stomach lining. Common signs are pain in the epigastrium with loss of appetite, heartburn, and nausea. There are many causes for this condition, but the most common are ulcers, HP infections, drug abuse..., and increasingly common in office workers who sit a lot and are sedentary. If left untreated, the disease can progress to stomach cancer.
Doctor Nam gave 9 reasons, specifically:
- Eating at the wrong time.
Due to the busy schedule and the habit of getting up late, many people skip breakfast. Many people eat lunch at 13:00 to 14:00, and eat late at night and eat a lot. The amount of food loaded into the body does not follow the normal circadian rhythm, eat a lot in the morning and lunch, and eat less in the evening. Excessive secretion of gastric juice will damage the gastric mucosa.
- Eating too fast
Due to the short lunch break, many people eat lunch late, eat quickly, and do not chew well. At this time, the food in the stomach is still in raw form, not yet mixed with digestive enzymes in the saliva, increasing the burden on the stomach, gastric juice has to secrete more to digest.

- Do not wash your hands before eating
In the office environment, desks, keyboards, mice, doorknobs.... are all large bacteria colonies. If you do not have the habit of washing your hands before eating, bacteria easily attack, making you susceptible to intestinal diseases such as acute gastritis, stomach pain.
- Eat while doing other things
This is a common habit of office workers. The desk turns into a dining table, while eating while looking at the computer, surfing Facebook, reading the newspaper ... causes the brain to process too many things, the stomach has to secrete more acid, contract slowly, longer, gradually leading to ulcerative condition.
- After eating, lie down immediately
Most people work busy, have little breaks, so after eating, they often sleep at the table, making blood circulation to the intestines poor. Food that is not fully digested will cause flatulence, bloating, stomach diseases, intestinal diseases.
- Abuse of coffee and tea
This is a familiar drink that helps reduce stress and increase concentration. Condensed tea has a lot of tannin, which causes the stomach lining to contract. Besides, tea also causes insomnia, causes stomach acid to increase, leading to gastritis for a long time. Patients with stomach pain drinking tea and coffee will increase the secretion of acid and gastric juice, causing ulcers to spread more and more, even causing stomach bleeding.
- Sitting for a long time, sedentary
Sitting continuously for many hours without getting up causes the peristalsis of the stomach - intestines to decrease, the secretion of digestive juices also decreases, the body is tired, increases the risk of obesity and increases pressure on the stomach, leading to pain.
- Smoking and drinking alcohol
Alcohol after entering the stomach, in contact with enzymes will transform into harmful substances. Alcohol is also a solvent to bring toxic substances from tobacco into the body through the respiratory, digestive, hepatobiliary, urinary organs...
- Stress, prolonged pressure
The frequent overtime, working under pressure to meet deadlines, and sales cause psychological stress, causing the stomach to secrete more acid, and at the same time causing damage to the stomach lining, forming areas of ulcers.
Doctors recommend that everyone should set up time and work to take care of their health. Should eat a lot of vegetables, tubers and fruits and limit foods that harm the stomach such as coffee, stimulants, spicy and hot dishes... People with stomach diseases should have a stricter diet, split meals Eating during the day helps the stomach work efficiently. People spend from 30 minutes to an hour a day to exercise, lose fat, improve their spiritual life.

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