Our brain is like a computer hard drive, if it ages, the brain will work slowly but still perform normal functions. However, Alzheimer's is like a virus that attacks computers, causing nerve cells to fail and crash.

The process of caring for people with Alzheimer's disease is very difficult. There are many people who have been pressured, even "helpless" in this process due to the symptoms that Alzheimer's disease causes. If caregivers do not understand and do not know how to care for patients at each stage, caregivers will be vulnerable to health and psychological harm. Conversely, if you know how to take care of people with Alzheimer's properly, the care process will become easier and gentler.
So what do relatives need to do to sympathize with someone suffering from this disease?
We need to understand and accept the law of the disease, because this disease develops gradually day by day and the person will feel lonely, which is understandable when older people change their personality very quickly.
It's easy to say, it's hard to do... therefore, caring for Alzheimer's patients requires the perseverance of relatives. As much love as possible is not enough, a little irritation is already superfluous.
So when a loved one shows signs of the above stages, we take some time to see a neurologist so that the doctor can cover what is going on inside the patient's body. However, the only Alzheimer's pain relief currently encapsulates only two words "love", family is the best hospital for Alzheimer's patients.

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