Bepharco determines a long-term strategic vision to guide business activities.
The next big goal is to become one of the top 5 pharmaceutical companies in Vietnam, expanding operations to the world market. Specifically as follows:

Pioneering in the field of Pharmaceutical, Medical
Technology application in the field of research, development and distribution of medicinal products; functional foods, medical equipment.
Continue to promote international cooperation to bring to Vietnam the world's leading products; putting public health first.
Consolidating the leading position in the pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam
Strengthening the position of the leading pharmaceutical company in Vietnam by well meeting the national demand for drugs, functional foods, and medical equipment.
Reaching out to the international level

Always ready and actively expanding many bilateral and multilateral cooperation relationships, promoting mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

Tighten good cooperation relationships with existing companies, welcome other potential partners. 

Promote further activities in the international pharmaceutical market. 

Continue to promote export to international markets.