Eating salty can disrupt the protective barrier of the stomach lining, promoting the entry of H. pylori bacteria and gastric cancer-causing compounds.
According to the Ministry of Health, some domestic surveys on nutrition show that Vietnamese people are eating about 12-15 grams of salt / day, 2-3 times higher than recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
WHO has repeatedly recommended that healthy adults eat less than 5 grams of salt per day. Children under 1 year old eat less than 1 gram of salt per day. Children from 1-3 years old eat 3 grams of salt / day. Children over the age of 7 eat the same amount of salt as adults. Using foods high in salt, prolonged salty eating is an unhealthy habit, which can increase the risk of stomach cancer.
Not all stomach cancer patients are caused by H. pylori bacteria, but those infected with H. pylori are more likely to develop cancer. The high salt concentration also creates favorable conditions for H. pylori bacteria to enter the stomach, grow faster and become more active. In salty environments, these bacteria can self-regulate, increasing the expression of carcinogenic protein (cagA) in the DNA sequence of the genome.
In addition, salty diets, abuse of processed foods such as salted fish, bacon, foods high in fat, cholesterol and high content of nitrates and nitrites also promote the formation of N-nitroso compounds. This compound when acting with amines in the body can cause substance changes, gene mutations, leading to gastrointestinal cancer, including stomach cancer.

The habit of eating salty food comes from seasoning food with fish sauce, salt, seasoning powder or the preference to eat food and fruits accompanied by dipping sauces, salt dips. This causes the body to load more salt than it needs. To protect the stomach, people need to limit the use of salt in meals.
If there are many prepared dishes with spices in the meal, it is best not to leave extra bowls of dipping sauce or spices on the tray. If you need to use a dipping sauce, you should dilute and add some other spices such as lemon, pepper, garlic, chili ... This helps reduce salinity but still tastes good. Dairy products, bread, meat, and shellfish all contain a certain amount of salt. During the processing of the dish, users should adjust the amount of salt sauce accordingly to avoid the case that the food is too salty.
According to advice from a nutritionist, families can season food with other herbs and spices such as chili powder, rosemary leaves, garlic and thyme instead of salt. Choose unsalted snacks or ingredients with a salt content of 5% or less. Limit adding fish sauce, meat stock, fish stock to rice when eating, change the habit of dipping fruits with shrimp salt, soup powder salt, chili salt, cheese salt ... Eating is also a simple way to reduce salt consumption.
In addition, it is necessary to give up the habit of smoking, drinking alcohol and stimulants. Substances found in cigarette smoke cause many cancers, including stomach cancer. At the same time, each person should properly supplement nutrients with a diet of foods containing a lot of vitamins A, B, E.
Have a regime of rest, practice sports reasonably and in moderation. Annual stomach cancer screening is also necessary for early detection and prompt treatment if there is a disease. Stomach cancer can be detected early by endoscopic screening due to non-specific early recognition symptoms.
In addition to building a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and exercise, people from 40 years old with a history of stomach diseases or families with stomach cancer, obesity, frequent smoking, drinking alcohol should have periodic gastroscopy to prevent the risk of disease.
Eating a lot of salt can also increase blood pressure, increased blood pressure is a major factor in stroke, heart failure and myocardial pain... Therefore, reducing the amount of salt in the daily diet is the simplest but most effective thing to limit the health risks caused by salty eating habits.

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