On April 22, 2023, Bepharco was honored to become a Gold sponsor for the 1st Scientific and Continuous Training Workshop program held at the Great Lecture Hall of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City with the topic "Traditional medicine and aging in humans".

The field of Eastern and Western medicine in health care, especially the care and management of chronic diseases, is increasing in Vietnam and the whole world. The Union of Eastern and Western Medicine Associations combine to organize continuous training courses to partially meet the needs of members to update knowledge, and at the same time contribute to the care and treatment of patients.

Speaking at the opening of the Conference, Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Thi Bay - President of the LCH of Oriental and Western Medicine shared a few words and gave flowers to thank the sponsor.

The conference was honored to welcome the attendance of more than 150 people who are representatives of sponsors, experts, leading doctors, lecturers of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh as: Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Van Tri, Dr. Nguyen Van Si, Dr. Mai Ba Tien Dung, Assoc. Dr. Vu Thi Nhung, Doctor Vo Thi Bach Suong, MSc. Doctor Nguyen Van Dan, Assoc. Dr. Pham Le An, Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Tuan Dung, MSc. Doctor Doan Quang Nguyen, MSc. Doctor Ngo Thanh Hung,...
Through the seminar, doctors and speakers provide information and professional updates to help doctors practice care and treatment for patients, as well as an opportunity to demonstrate products - pharmaceuticals. has preeminent features to support care and treatment.

Also here, Representative of Bepharco - Medical Director Dr. Doctor Tran Van Hien introduced to the conference the product of medicine An Than Yen Bai which has the effect of treating sleep problems, insomnia, especially in the elderly, people with neurasthenia, people with lot of mental labor, reducing stress, tension, heart palpitations. The product has received the attention of a large number of doctors.

See more product information here.