Expert Q&A Program: Effective advice on some common cardiovascular and neurological diseases
On June 14, 2023, Bepharco was honored to accompany Gedeon Richter in the program "Questions of experts, effective consultation: Some common cardiovascular and neurological diseases" at the Center Metropole Conference and Wedding - Ho Chi Minh City.

Attending the program, there was the presence of Mr. Miklos Krassovics - General Director of Gedeon Richter. In addition, the speakers are:

Specialist level 2 doctor Nguyen Thi Phuong Nga - Head of Neurology Department of Thong Nhat Hospital, Member of the Board of Directors of Vietnam Association of Alzheimer's Disease and Neurocognitive Disorders, with the topic "Screening and Recognizing Signs of Impairment awareness"

M.D Tran Dai Cuong - Lecturer at University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, with the topic "Potassium, Magnesium - essential minerals for the body"

After listening to two extremely useful and practical topics, the guests who were representatives of the pharmacy were able to interact and directly exchange questions with the speakers on issues surrounding cardiovascular disease. common nerve.

Proud to be a strategic partner with Gedeon Richter, here, Bepharco had an area to display some of the company's distribution products such as: Panangin, Cavinton, Mydocalm, Lisonorm, Verospiron, Beatil, .... The product is of interest to many people.