Currently, studies on the impact of vaccination against Covid-19 on human health are evaluated by experts.
Study on the effect of vaccines on the menstrual cycle
A study was carried out in England with the participation of 1,273 women. Participants were those who reported they noticed a change in their menstrual cycle after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. The study participants carefully kept information about their menstrual cycle and the date of vaccination.
The results show that there is no link between the Covid-19 vaccine and changes in the menstrual cycle in women, said Victoria Male, an expert in regenerative immunology at Imperial College London. female.
Other scientific studies have also failed to demonstrate an effect of the vaccine on fertility in women.
Two Vaccines Simultaneous Injection
Study The study was performed on 697 randomized adult volunteers. Intended for a second dose of Pfizer/BioNTech or AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, along with 1 of 3 flu vaccines: FluAd or Flucelvax from Sequirus or Flublok from Sanofi or a placebo.
Most of the time, after being injected with these two vaccines at the same time, there were mild and moderate reactions, with no negative impact on the immune response.
It is concluded that administering the Covid-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine at the same time is safe and helps to increase vaccination rates. Reduce the load on the health system in the vaccination program.
Research conducted on liver cancer patients
From January to July 2021, researchers in France administered the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech to 306 subjects who were liver cancer patients. Of these, about 70% of the patients were recently treated with immunosuppressive therapy, which compromises the body's ability to respond to vaccines.
Patients who have been infected with Covid-19, whose bodies already have antibodies, can only receive 1 dose of the vaccine. Most of the remaining patients will get 2 injections.
The study showed that about 10% of patients had to receive booster shot because they did not develop antibodies in response to dose 2. Most of the patients had antibodies, except for 3 patients with blood disorders.
In the study, only 8 patients with liver cancer had mild cases of Covid-19. More research is needed to confirm the results.