Mouth ulcers are a common disease and will clear up on their own in a week or 2. But please visit the doctor in case the illness lasts more than 3 weeks.
How can I treat mouth ulcers?

- Clean your teeth gently, with a soft brush and warm water.
- Change the toothbrush every 3-4 months.
- Maintain the habit of rinsing and brushing your teeth after each meal and before going to bed.
- Follow a diet, balanced supplement with protein-rich foods, vitamin-rich foods (vegetables, fruit juices,...)
- If there are one or more ulcer foci: Oral hygiene with gauze tubers soaked with antiseptic solution (betadine solution); Sanitize the oral cavity immediately after each meal.
- Use of gel-based topical drugs that have analgesic and antiseptic effects.
- If there is a white pseudomembranous on the ulcer, it is necessary to clean the pseudomembranous with gauze and apply medicine as ordered by the doctor.
- Eating excessively spicy, salty or sour foods
- Limit eating foods that are too dry, too hard or too brittle that will damage the oral mucosa causing mouth heat, instead choose soft, easy-to-eat foods.
- Avoid food, alcoholic beverages or substances that cause heat and accumulation of toxins.
- Avoid greasy fried foods, fast or processed foods that contain many substances harmful to health and the oral cavity.

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