The Combination of traditional medicine and modern medicine in medical examination and treatment not only in Asia but also in many European and American countries has begun the trend of "returning to nature" through the increasing use of herbal medicines or traditional medicine treatments to prevent, treat and improve health.

Vietnam can be proud to be one of the pioneering countries in building the development orientation of traditional and modern medicine. Traditional medicine of Vietnam is an important part of the culture of the ethnic community, associated with the experience of prevention and treatment with a long history, rich sources of medicinal herbs, suitable for climatic conditions. diseases of Vietnamese people.
Since ancient times, President Ho Chi Minh has oriented the development of Vietnam's healthcare industry to closely combine modernity and tradition. The President emphasized that our forefathers had a lot of valuable experience in how to treat diseases with our medicine, no less than western medicine. For example, the medicine we have is Sa Nhan, Phu Tu can cure many diseases, Western medicine with aspirin and penicillin can also cure many diseases. Each side has its advantages, the two advantages combined make good treatment for the compatriots and people.
Therefore, Western doctors have to study Eastern medicine, our doctors also have to learn Western medicine. Our doctors and western doctors all have to serve the people, just like a person who has two hands working together will do a good job.
Combination forms that can be applied in medical examination and treatment
1. Examination, diagnosis and treatment are mainly by traditional medicine, combined with necessary paraclinical tests of modern medicine, helping to improve safety and effectiveness of traditional medicine
2. Diagnostic examination by both traditional medicine and modern medicine, depending on the severity and stage of the disease, to choose the right treatment for each stage, mainly by modern medicine or traditional medicine or a combination of both
3. Treating the root cause, according to the pathogenesis mechanism by modern medicine, combining drugs, non-medicinal measures of traditional medicine ( acupuncture, massage, acupressure, in order to limit the side effects and toxicity of specific drugs, restore function, and improve the quality of life of patients (traditional medicine to support cancer, HIV/AIDS treatment) AIDS, rehabilitation after stroke....)
4. Treatment of the root cause and pathogenesis is mainly by traditional medicine, combined with modern medicine when accompanied by acute pathology and complicated developments. (severe infection...)
It can be said that the harmoniously combining two medical disciplines in medical examination and treatment, in addition to bringing benefits to patients, also contributes to building a practical and scientific basis for building new and high technologies to meet the needs of the times.
This requires a synchronous and comprehensive coordination between the community and policy makers and managers; leaders; the investors; practitioners of both traditional and modern medicine and pharmacy.