The drug dexamethasone is a corticosteroid with the strongest anti-inflammatory effect of the group. In pediatrics, corticosteroids are used in a number of pathologies such as: bronchial asthma, blood diseases related to the immune system, glomerular disease (nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis ...); systemic diseases (lupus, juvenile arthritis...) and some other allergies.
Therefore, it is understandable that taking these drugs will make your baby's symptoms go away quickly. However, dexamethasone in particular and corticosteroid drugs, if not taken correctly, will have unpredictable consequences. In principle and in the literature of the drug, it is said that when taking the drug for a short time, it does not affect anything. However, for children, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, bronchiolitis often recur. According to statistics, on average, a child can suffer from respiratory diseases about 10 times a year. Thus, if you use this drug every 5-7 days, it is difficult to control.
However, when forced to take this drug, pediatric patients need to be closely monitored by a specialist, adjust the drug to bring high efficiency when using and minimize the side effects of the drug.
The side effects of corticosteroids in general and dexamethasone in particular are as follows: mental disorders (sleep disorders, mental disorders and psychopathies); effects on the skin and soft tissues (Cushing's syndrome - round face like the moon, accumulation of upper half body fat ..., skin atrophy, thinning of the skin, abdominal stretch marks, hirsutism, edema, pimples); effects on the nervous system (neuropathy, abnormal movements...); effect on the cardiovascular system (hypertension). On the musculoskeletal system (causes osteoporosis, sterile osteonecrosis, muscular dystrophy, growth retardation). In addition, the drug can also cause diseases such as: diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency, early puberty, immunodeficiency, lymphopenia, false-negative skin pressure tests, cataracts, glaucoma ...
Therefore, be cautious of treatments with corticosteroids. Ideally, take your child to a reputable pediatric clinic for guidance on treatment as well as measures to care for the baby and prevent recurrences.
Source: Health and Life Newspaper
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